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Our Top 10 Blog Posts

We end this year as we’ve done for the past 7 with a list of our top blog posts. If you’ve been following our blog for a few years, thank you for your loyalty. We hope we’ve shared interesting, thought-provoking topics and look forward to bringing you more content in the new year!

For now, here’s a look at our winners of 2023 based on the total readership and engagement with the blog posts:

  1. How 12 Standards Stack Up on Performance – Summarizes a new report from Emu Passive that evaluates how 12 building standards perform based on the most common challenges for buildings.
  2. New Guide Can Help Schools Apply for Retrofit Funds – NAIMA has published a guide to help schools apply for grant funding available through the Department of Energy by making pipe insulation upgrades using the free 3E Plus Pipe Insulation thickness calculator tool.
  3. It’s the Order of Operations Part 1 – Jeremy Begley of HVAC Design Partners talks about why equipment replacement without thermal performance improvement is a bad idea.
  4. It’s the Order of Operations Part 2 – In part 2 of his post, Jeremy details why size matters when it comes to heat pumps and efficiency.
  5. New Guide: Attracting and Retaining Installers – This guide includes tips for insulation contracting company owners to identify and keep good contractors on the job.
  6. Join the DOE Peer Exchange to Track IRA Incentives – The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Better Buildings Network offers industry members a way to keep track of energy efficiency and electrification rebates and incentives.
  7. Building Codes Save Money, Lives – A Scientific American article makes the case for strong building codes as the planet grapples with more severe natural disasters.
  8. The Most and Least Energy-Efficient States – Wallet Hub has published its annual list of the most energy-efficient states. Utah is at the top of the list.
  9. Training on the Cheap (Even Free!) – Details great training resources for insulation contractors covering a range of topics – from workplace safety to Grade I installation.
  10. The End of Sampling? – EPA’s ENERGY STAR has proposed a sunset of sampling for all new construction homes permitted on or after January 1, 2025. This is a good idea.

Happy Holidays!

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