Building industry members have an opportunity from November 11-13 to learn about Passive House buildings in the U.S. and globally during the International Passive House Open Days. Organized by the International Passive House Association, the event will provide the opportunity for those interested in these highly energy-efficient buildings to learn first-hand how a Passive House build or retrofit works and what it’s like to live and work in a Passive House building.
A showcase of 13 homes in eight U.S. states (and other homes internationally) will be open for tours. Some will have professionals on hand with knowledge and tools to explain the technical details of Passive House projects.
Among the U.S. homes featured during the International Passive House Open Days is Millhaus, built by architect Greg D. Fisher. The Fort Collins, Colorado home was featured in our guide, “Passive House Construction with Fiberglass and Mineral Wool, published earlier this year.
According to the International Passive House Association, the event is an excellent opportunity to learn about Passive House and energy-efficient buildings. “Enjoy the comfortable interior temperatures, take a look at the ventilation systems, ask questions, and consider the possibilities of Passive House for your own building projects,” IPHA’s website says.
These super-insulated, energy-efficient buildings require much less energy for heating and cooling, saving residents money and lowering energy costs. With Passive House buildings, heat loss that typically takes place in buildings through walls, windows, and the roof is dramatically reduced by applying five principles:
- Excellent thermal insulation
- Windows with triple glazing
- A ventilation system with heat recovery
- Avoidance of thermal bridging
- An airtight building envelope
In applying these principles, Passive House buildings need very little energy and can avoid traditional heating systems. A significant part of the heating demand is met through passive sources, such as solar radiation or heat emitted by occupants and technical appliances.
This is the nineteenth time the International Passive House Open Days have been held. With growing interest in Passive House construction and deep retrofits, the event is sure to be popular.
For more information on the International Passive House Open Days, click here.
Photo: Millhaus exterior image.