By Michael Schettine, Technical System Expert
New Housing Energy Requirements
The ante has been raised by states adopting the 2015 IECC energy code, and builders are scrambling to meet new requirements.
A large part of the new requirements involve envelope air leakage standards. Simply put, the house (envelope) air leakage, when tested at 50 Pa pressure differential, ‘shall not exceed’ 5 air changes/hour (ACH) in U.S. climate zones 1 and 2 (warmer areas) and 3 ACH in the remaining cooler zones 3-8. New homes must be tested, and those meeting the requirements will receive a “Certificate of Occupancy,” which will be necessary for sale of the structure. Because the building must be largely completed before the testing can be performed, builders get one shot at achieving the air leakage standards, if the building doesn’t pass, costly rework and retesting must be done to ensure compliance with code.
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