Insulation Institute Blog

5 Reasons to Build with Mineral Wool

Chris Laumer-Giddens is an architect and custom builder. He’s an HVAC designer and building enclosure specialist whose current design-build project is a 2,800 square-foot, three-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath home in Marietta, GA. Given the many hats Chris wears, it’s remarkable that he still finds time to educate others about high-performance, energy-efficient building practices, but he does.

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5 Reasons to Build with Mineral Wool

A new report released yesterday by E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs), the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE), E4TheFuture, and BW Research Partnership shows that nearly 600,000 clean energy workers have lost their jobs since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is nearly 18 percent of the total industry workforce, according to the group’s press release.

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Clean Energy Sheds 595K Jobs

COVID-19 has more Americans staying at home to reduce the rate of disease spread, and that means spending more time indoors. While few people associate indoor air with pollution, a study from Washington State University last year reported that indoor air could be much more polluted than outdoor air. This pollution is due in part to emissions that come furniture, household cleaning products, cooking, and notably, building materials.

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How Building Will Change: Healthier Products

The current pandemic has forced many industries to develop alternative methods for their typical operations, and construction is no different. In the first of a new series we’re calling, “How Construction Will Change,” Insulation Institute takes a look at a growing trend for the building industry: virtual code inspections.

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A New Normal: Virtual Inspections

A new study from the National Association of Home Builders reveals that one-quarter of the features home builders are most likely to include in new construction homes relate to energy efficiency. Despite the popularity of energy efficiency features, some builders are conflicted about them in part because they believe they cannot recoup the investment. Insulation Institute spoke with Sandra Admomatis of Adomatis Appraisal Service for some insight into how builders can shift their focus to leverage energy efficiency in marketing fully.

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Better Marketing Drives Sales of EE Homes

Thomas Branch is president of Comfy House, a Pennsylvania-based home performance company that specializes in building energy modeling, energy efficiency retrofits, and energy efficiency inspections. As a RESNET and BPI certified rater with decades of experience in the business, Branch is qualified to speak about the deficiencies he sees in energy code enforcement. Insulation Institute recently spoke with Branch about what he sees as a noticeable decline in code enforcement and how the system should change.

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Real Challenges of Uniform Code Enforcement

Video home tours are not new in real estate, but the current COVID-19 health crisis is driving an increase in these digital tours, according to Mike Swinney, a Northern Virginia-based realtor. Swinney has more than 12 years’ experience selling homes in one of the hottest housing markets in the nation. Swinney estimates a 50 percent volume increase in digital tours in recent weeks. While the growth may largely be attributed to health concerns, many experts in the housing industry predict the uptick in digital tours will remain when the crisis wanes.

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Realtor Sees Uptick in Video Tours