Insulation contractors can take advantage of extra down time to learn new skills and techniques to help on the job with NAIMA’s extensive catalog of training resources.
NAIMA produced these resources to help contractors consistently deliver, Grade I installation. Installing to Grade I criteria is important to delivering a quality, energy-efficient home. A Grade I designation means that the home insulation is properly installed and without any moderate or substantial defects. While Grade I installation should be the norm in the residential building industry, there are instances where it is not. The result of a sub-par installation is a home that doesn’t perform to its potential—which unfortunately reflects poorly on builders, installers and insulation manufacturers alike.
Our three-part batt installation training video is a great beginner’s tutorial or refresher on how to get Grade I installation and should be required viewing for all insulation contractors working with batt insulation:
Part 1: Preparing for Batt Installation
Part 2: Proper Installation Techniques
Part 3 Inspecting Installation Quality
With proper guidance and attention to detail, every batt insulation job can be a Grade I job.
Look for all new resources on getting Grade I with batt insulation next month!