Insulation Institute Blog

Survey Pegs Keys to Retention in Skilled Trades

The Building Talent Foundation (BTF) recently released the results of a survey on talent retention in the residential building and skilled trades arena. The results could help home builders and contractors improve employee retention strategies in a hot housing market faced with numerous pressures, including competition for workers due to the pandemic.

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Survey Pegs Keys to Retention in Skilled Trades

5 Red Flags That Derail Recruiting

Author and Marketing Expert Kelly McDonald of McDonald Marketing recently offered sage advice to insulation contracting company owners attending the 2021 Insulation Contractors Association of America (ICAA) conference in San Antonio last month: You must get smarter about recruiting and retaining employees. McDonald laid out proven strategies to hire and retain workers and called out five big mistakes that companies make that derail their recruiting efforts.

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5 Red Flags That Derail Recruiting

A New Builder’s Daily Emerges

John McManus retired last August from Hanley Wood after a nearly 20-year career in various senior editorial roles. Post “retirement,” McManus launched a brand-new publishing endeavor, The Builder’s Daily, a digitally published newsletter filled with thought-provoking and informative insights for the building industry. Insulation Institute recently talked with McManus about his new venture and the changes that are happening in the construction industry.

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A New Builder’s Daily Emerges

Three Takes on the Labor Shortage

According to an Associated Builders and Contractors report, the U.S. construction industry needs to hire more than 430,000 more workers this year than in 2020 to keep pace with construction demand.[1] While construction has had a longstanding skilled labor shortage since the great recession in 2008, theories abound on why attracting skilled labor is still such a tough challenge. This week, we look at three takes on the labor issue, and its impact as the industry looks to attract workers in the future.

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Three Takes on the Labor Shortage

700 Contractors Get Free Grade I Training

Early this year, Insulation Institute set out to train as many contractors as possible how to achieve Grade I installation with fiberglass batt insulation. We selected three trainers to conduct half-day sessions in four states: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Texas. Thirty-three sessions have been conducted or planned, and 700 participants will have completed the free training by the end of the year.

Insulation Institute spoke recently with each of the trainers to get their feedback on the program and any key takeaways they wanted to share.

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700 Contractors Get Free Grade I Training