Insulation Institute Blog

Master the Training, Witness the Test

In the quest to meet new energy code requirements of the 2012/15 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), some builders are finding that passing that all-important blower door test is their biggest challenge. As we’ve reported earlier this year, only 40 to 50 percent of new construction homes that must now meet the 3 ACH50 blower door target will pass the first test, but builders can increase the initial pass rate, according to Cosco Jones, owner of Jones Sustainable Solutions Group. Jones is a HERS rater who’s worked with more than a dozen builders to improve the energy performance of their new construction homes. He offered his advice to builders on how to not only increase the pass rate for blower door testing but also reduce their costs in the process.

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Master the Training, Witness the Test

3 Commonly Missed Air Leakage Pathways

In our effort to help builders and contractors reduce air leakage in new construction homes, much of the focus has been on the building envelope. However, there are other areas outside of the building envelope that can prove problematic for air leakage. Bob Nelson of Ener-G Home Performance Consultants shed some light on three commonly overlooked areas that can contribute considerably to air leakage and often, help contribute to the 50 percent initial failure rate on blower door testing of new homes.    

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3 Commonly Missed Air Leakage Pathways

Future-Proof Home Construction

In his more than 30 years as a residential building contractor, Jim Iredale focused much of his career on constructing code-built custom homes. That changed in 2012 when he had the opportunity to work on a very high-end project that was designed to meet passive haus (house) standards, and a devotee was born.

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Future-Proof Home Construction

Want More of a Good Thing? Switch Your Trusses

By: Matthew Brown, CGP, APA Engineered Wood Specialist

Insulation can increase a home’s energy efficiency, but only if it’s properly installed. Batt insulation installed as per manufacturer instructions should perform at its stated value, but R-value can decrease if it’s compressed in tight spaces.

In roofing assemblies, conventional trusses can restrict insulation space above the exterior wall top plate, resulting in compressed insulation. Raised-heel trusses can provide a significant boost to the insulating power of a home.

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Want More of a Good Thing? Switch Your Trusses

Right-Sizing AC in High-Performance Homes

Some people think that the idea of a high-performance building is a new concept, but it has been around for some time now. As defined in the Energy Policy Act 2005, a building that “integrates and optimizes all major high-performance building attributes, including energy efficiency, durability, life-cycle performance, and occupant productivity” is a high-performance one.

Today, many builders have already applied the principles of a high performance into their homes, and homeowners are now enjoying the benefits of living in a place that sets the bar much higher for energy efficiency, comfort, durability, indoor air quality, and the use of sustainable products.

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Right-Sizing AC in High-Performance Homes

Energy Data Gains Traction in Home Listings

What impact will energy data for 110 million homes have on the energy efficiency industry?

By: Ryan Meres, RESNET Programs Director

For more than a decade studies have consistently shown that home buyers want energy-efficient features, but few are aware of the impact those features have on energy cost. The average U.S. homeowner spends more on energy than property taxes and insurance, but energy is the only one of those three common expenses not considered in the mortgage process. The announcement and report released by the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) that real estate platforms have begun including energy information in their listings is a significant step toward reducing the barrier to the transparency of energy use in the home-buying process.

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Energy Data Gains Traction in Home Listings

2009 Called. It Wants Its Energy Code Back

As advocates for building energy efficiency, Insulation Institute and many other organizations support the development and adoption of model residential building energy codes like the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Unfortunately, code adoption is literally “all over the map,” in the United States. Twenty-two states have a version of the energy efficiency code that meets or exceeds the 2009 IECC. Ten states meet or exceed the 2015 code, and 12 states have no statewide code at all, according to the Building Code Assistance Project. For those who support energy code adoption, it can seem like an uphill battle to advocate for newer energy codes, particularly when there are lots of misconceptions about the purpose behind the codes.

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2009 Called. It Wants Its Energy Code Back

Our Insulation Field Trip

The Insulation Institute is committed to addressing and educating the market on quality installation, conducting training sessions and developing an extensive guide on how to get Grade I installation. Since we represent the insulation industry, we like to get out in the field from time-to-time and see how the products our members manufacture are installed. 

So, when we had an opportunity to visit two Maryland homes currently under construction just after the insulation had been installed we jumped at the chance.

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Our Insulation Field Trip

5 Priority Air Sealing Locations for New Homes

Achieving an energy efficient, durable and comfortable home starts with framing and includes air sealing and insulation. Regardless of the type of insulation used, whole-home air sealing is a must to minimize air leakage and maximize thermal performance. It’s also an essential part of meeting new home airtightness requirements. As states adopt new, more stringent home energy efficiency codes, builders must redouble their efforts to ensure that new homes are properly air sealed. But where are the areas within the building that are leakier than others?

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5 Priority Air Sealing Locations for New Homes

Blow the Insulation, Not the Budget

Maximizing cost effectiveness is every builder’s goal and every home buyer’s expectation. Each year, an impressive group of builders is recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for their forward-thinking approaches to delivering Zero Energy Ready homes. The most exemplary of the annual winners achieve this extraordinary target while keeping costs in line. Utah-based Garbett Construction is a 2017 Housing Innovation Award winner, and its winning Elizabeth model delivers notably affordable high energy performance, using proven energy-efficient construction practices and economical blown-in fiberglass insulation.

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Blow the Insulation, Not the Budget