Insulation Institute Blog

A breeze. A draft. A blast. A wind. A whiff. Who knew air could take so many forms in a building?

No matter what you call it, air flow and its management are vital to the performance, energy efficiency and comfort of a new or renovated home. Not only that: improper air flow can have severe effects on the health and safety of the people in the building by promoting mold growth, spreading pollutants, and possibly creating backdrafting of combustion appliances, increasing the possibility of carbon dioxide poisoning.

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A breeze. A draft. A blast. A wind. A whiff. Who knew air could take so many forms in a building?

Want To Insulate Yourself From Customer Complaints About High Energy Costs? Establish a Good Thermal Boundary.

When it comes to energy costs, we all know the big numbers lie in heating and cooling the house. A large portion of this excessive energy use is due to air leakage as well as too little – or improperly installed – insulation. A good thermal boundary, which includes insulation, windows and doors, not only reduces energy waste, but also greatly increases an occupant’s comfort. Which brings us to heat flow. How heat flows, where it goes and how to control it is key to a whole-house systems approach that can create better homes for today’s homeowners.

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Want To Insulate Yourself From Customer Complaints About High Energy Costs? Establish a Good Thermal Boundary.

What’s the best insulation option for Zero Energy Ready Homes?

Net-Zero Energy vs. Zero Energy Ready Homes

Not all net-zero energy (NZE) homes are created equal, well, they aren’t all built the same that is. Also, slight differences in wording can mean different things. Did you know that there are net-zero energy homes and Department of Energy (DOE) Zero Energy Ready Homes (ZERH). What’s the difference? DOE defines a net-zero energy, or “zero energy,” building as “an energy-efficient building where, on a source energy basis, the actual annual delivered energy is less than or equal to the on-site renewable exported energy.” [1] And a Zero Energy Ready home is “a high performance home which is so energy efficient, that a renewable energy system can offset all or most of its annual energy consumption.”[2] So, a ZERH is a building that has maximized its energy efficiency and has the potential to be a NZE home if renewable energy sources are added. Those are the definitions, but how they are built, and what products are used, to meet those standards, is up to the builder.

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What’s the best insulation option for Zero Energy Ready Homes?