Insulation Institute Blog

Two Really Avoidable Insulation Gaffes

Would it surprise you to learn that among the top 10 reasons cited for a failing a final new residential home inspection is missing insulation in the attic access or floor? Improperly installed insulation is an inconvenient problem that can be fixed relatively easily, but insulation that’s completely missing on a final inspection can cost additional time and money for the builder. There’s a simple solution to avoiding this: a checklist and quality control review before final inspection.

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Two Really Avoidable Insulation Gaffes

5 Traits Great Project Managers

Deadlines, details, and demands are part and parcel of any construction project, whether residential or commercial. Project managers are largely responsible for overseeing all the aspects of a construction job and a well-trained, experienced, and attentive superintendent or project manager can be the difference between having a flawlessly executed build or major, expensive headaches during construction. Identifying the traits that make for a great project manager is a must for builders that want to maximize productivity and keep costs in line.

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5 Traits Great Project Managers

The Rising Appeal of Factory-Built Homes

Builders today face a number of challenges in the face of a national shortage of available and affordable housing. At the top of the list is a deficit of skilled labor, a lack of construction knowledge by consumers and real estate agents, and a declining number of experienced and qualified general contractors for both onsite and modular home construction.

Factory-built home construction advocates argue that their construction process can tackle many of these issues. To get a clearer picture, Insulation Institute spoke with Ed Hudson, Director of Marketing Research Services at Home Innovation Research Labs, and Jay Young, Marketing and Licensing Agent for William Poole Designs about the current housing situation and the future of home construction in America.

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The Rising Appeal of Factory-Built Homes

Acoustics Affect Productivity and Well Being

Sound is everywhere and it has the ability to affect your mood, productivity and wellbeing. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the workplace, yet, many times, controlling for sound within the work environment is ignored. Insulation Institute spoke recently with Jeremy Luscombe, Marketing Executive for UK-based Resonics, a leading acoustics solutions provider about the impact of sound in the workplace, its effects on people and what can be done about it. The following Q & A was the result of that conversation:

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Acoustics Affect Productivity and Well Being

Regulatory Watch

New emissions rules for Wool Fiberglass and Mineral Wool product facilities

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) has signed the Final Rules for the Wool Fiberglass Manufacturing and Mineral Wool Production MACT Standards (“Final Rules” or “Rules”), and the Rules have been published in the Federal Register (80 Fed. Reg. 45,279 (July 29, 2015)). The Final Rules represent a significant success for NAIMA and its members. Because of the tremendous effort of NAIMA and its members – responding to multiple information requests and EPA proposals, participating in many in-person meetings with EPA staff and management, and arranging numerous EPA site visits to many facilities – EPA ultimately issued feasible rules.

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Regulatory Watch

Regulatory Watch: Spray Foam Insulation Impact Assessment Standard

Standardized Methods Needed to Assess Potential Impacts of Spray Foam Insulation Products

Spray foam (SPF) insulation manufacturers, regulatory agencies, indoor air quality professionals, testing labs, air quality consultants, instrument vendors, and other stakeholders met in California on April 30 – May 1, 2015 to address the potential impacts of SPF insulation products on indoor air quality and to establish re-entry or re-occupancy times after product installation in a building and post-occupancy ventilation needs.

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Regulatory Watch: Spray Foam Insulation Impact Assessment Standard

ENERGY STAR’S “2015 Rule Your Attic” Campaign Promotes Insulation

This fall the EPA’s ENERGY STAR program will launch its second annual “Rule Your Attic” Campaign to increase homeowners’ awareness of the financial, comfort, and environmental benefits of adequately sealing and insulating their homes. Through this campaign Energy Star hopes that homeowners become knowledgeable of their home’s energy use and take corrective actions either themselves, or by working with a contractor, to increase their home’s insulation.

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ENERGY STAR’S “2015 Rule Your Attic” Campaign Promotes Insulation

Regulatory Watch: What you need to know about insulation marketing

Insulation Marketing: Regulations That Guide Conduct

As the fall re-insulation season approaches, many companies will begin to focus more effort on marketing directly to homeowners. As this occurs, it is important to ensure that all marketing conforms to the various federal guidelines and regulations, which impact not only insulation but many consumer products.

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Regulatory Watch: What you need to know about insulation marketing

Spray Foam Safety and Re-entry Times: What Has Changed and What Hasn’t

Over the past few months, Icynene has announced that it is offering new spray foam products with reduced re-occupancy and re-entry times for trades and homeowners. There is already uncertainty as to the “right” amount of time that is needed and these announcements about reductions only add to that uncertainty. It is important to understand how these new recommendations came about and what they mean for spray foam safety.

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Spray Foam Safety and Re-entry Times: What Has Changed and What Hasn’t

Regulatory Watch

EPA Targets Reflective Insulation for Removal from “Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR” Program

In April 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sent a letter to Reflective Insulation Manufacturers informing them that EPA is considering removing reflective insulation from the “Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR” Program and adding them to the list of Excluded Products. This was based on EPA’s concerns that to date, no reflective insulation manufacturers had met the certification requirements for the “Seal and Insulate with ENERGY STAR” Program for any of their products.

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Regulatory Watch