Insulation Institute Blog

There’s Insulating a Building. And Then There’s REALLY Insulating a Building.

For an insulation inspection during a building inspection, our handy guide – “25 Checkpoints for Inspecting Insulation Jobs” – covers all the bases, and then some. Intended to provide useful guidance on how to improve the quality of the installation of insulation products, the List has been created by our experts here at the Insulation Institute. It tells you what to look for when inspecting insulation in wall areas, as well as ceilings, floors and other areas.

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There’s Insulating a Building. And Then There’s REALLY Insulating a Building.

Fast, Good and Cheap: Enemies of Quality Installation

In the past three years working within the insulation industry I’ve had a many conversations with builders, contractors and our manufacturer members about getting Grade 1 installation using fiber glass batt insulation. Three conversations in particular stick out in my mind as both insightful and accurate: two separate conversations with The Green Building Curmudgeon, Carl Seville, and one with Toler Insulating owner Wayne Toler. Each conversation left me with this: when it comes to quality installation of fiber glass batts, you can’t get fast, good and cheap. So, you have to pick two. Or do you?

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Fast, Good and Cheap: Enemies of Quality Installation

Want To Insulate Yourself From Customer Complaints About High Energy Costs? Establish a Good Thermal Boundary.

When it comes to energy costs, we all know the big numbers lie in heating and cooling the house. A large portion of this excessive energy use is due to air leakage as well as too little – or improperly installed – insulation. A good thermal boundary, which includes insulation, windows and doors, not only reduces energy waste, but also greatly increases an occupant’s comfort. Which brings us to heat flow. How heat flows, where it goes and how to control it is key to a whole-house systems approach that can create better homes for today’s homeowners.

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Want To Insulate Yourself From Customer Complaints About High Energy Costs? Establish a Good Thermal Boundary.

Competition Highlights Quality Insulation Installation

There’s no question that the quality of the insulation installation has a tremendous impact on the comfort of a home. With temperatures dipping across the country and fall weatherization on the minds of many homeowners, insulation contractors are likely seeing an uptick in interest from consumers in adding insulation to their homes — particularly with news that roughly 90% of U.S. homes are under insulated. As homeowners look to hire qualified professionals to complete the job, the skills of the workers installing the insulation will have significant impact on its performance — and ultimately on the comfort of the home.  Therefore, encouraging installer excellence is a worthy goal, particularly if done in a fun, competitive way.

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Competition Highlights Quality Insulation Installation

HPIP Shifts Focus to Training Insulation Installers

Properly trained insulation contractors play an important role in ensuring the energy efficiency and comfort of a home. One of the most popular insulation products available is loose fill fiber glass insulation, which can be used in all areas of a new or existing home, but is especially suited for areas that are difficult to access, such as truss attics or closed wall cavities. Because poor installation of any system can compromise the performance of the product, a new training effort from the High Performance Insulation Professionals Association (HPIP) aims to educate installers on how to optimize the performance of not just blown-in fiberglass, but a variety of other systems as well. The re-branded organization has reviewed and examined numerous systems and products nominated for inclusion as high performance, and has developed a training program that addresses the building science behind these systems.

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HPIP Shifts Focus to Training Insulation Installers