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There's Insulating a Building. And Then There's REALLY Insulating a Building.

For an insulation inspection during a building inspection, our handy guide – “25 Checkpoints for Inspecting Insulation Jobs” – covers all the bases, and then some. Intended to provide useful guidance on how to improve the quality of the installation of insulation products, the List has been created by our experts here at the Insulation Institute. It tells you what to look for when inspecting insulation in wall areas, as well as ceilings, floors and other areas.

Here are some of the things called out on the Checkpoint List.

For Walls

  • Vapor Retarder Materials. When required, appropriate vapor retarder materials may include kraft facing, continuous polyethylene sheeting, vapor retarder paints and “smart” vapor retarders. (Note: Polyethylene should only be used in very cold climates).
  • Bay Window. The outside wall, extended floor, and ceiling should be insulated.
  • R-Value. The R-value should be marked visibly on the insulation, faced or unfaced. The R-value should meet or exceed the minimum code requirements.

For Ceilings and Floors

  • Cantilevered Floors. These should be insulated at the floor R-value requirements.
  • Attic Rulers. When blown insulation is used, it is good practice to install attic rulers, one for every 300 square feet of attic area. The installed thickness of blown insulation should not be less than the minimum settled thickness on the attic card.
  • Knee Walls. Knee walls should be insulated at wall R-value requirements. Insulation should be supported with an appropriately fire-rated backing on the exterior side.

Whether you’re using our Checkpoint List as a guide for insulation inspection during a building inspection, or to remind yourself of what to follow when installing insulation in your new construction or renos, this list will help you to ”up your game” while increasing the value of the insulation install.

Download “25 Checkpoints for Inspecting Insulation Jobs” now.

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